It is the mission of the Valley of the Moon Water District to provide its customers with
reliable, safe water at an equitable price, and to ensure the fiscal and
environmental vitality of the District for future generations.
Mon. - Thurs. 8 to 5 / Fri. 8 to 4
Closed for Lunch: 12 - 12:30 (on-call 24/7)
Phone Payments: 1-833-360-7525
2025 Regular Board Meeting Schedule
1/7/2025 Financing Corp Board Meeting - Canceled and Rescheduled
1/7/2025 Regular Board Meeting - Canceled
Water Source
One of the most important factors in water quality is its source: the purer the source, the better the water. Our customers are fortunate because they enjoy a reliable water supply from two clean sources. The District's primary source is purchased Russian River water from the Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA). This water is pumped over 30 miles in a below ground enclosed aqueduct. The District's second source is local groundwater production, which is an important source for peak demand, emergency capacity and cost reductions.
Click the map below to view an interactive map of the Russian River and SCWA water transmission system.